

What attribution models do you offer?

Through API connectors to advertising and analytics platforms, you can access models calculated by the platforms themselves.

In Adloop's attribution model, we offer the following models:
Data-driven Adloop model (to be configured)


How does your Data-Driven model work?

Adloop's Data-Driven model is a highly sophisticated model based on behavioral analysis. We use user behavior (materialized by actions on the site such as adding a product to the shopping cart or signing up for a newsletter), visit depth and time spent on pages to measure the importance of each touchpoint in a conversion path.
The analysis carried out by our self-learning algorithms results in a percentage contribution from each touchpoint in the path, which is applied to the assigned metric we're trying to measure.

For example:
Let's take a channel with 3 touchpoints resulting in a purchase of €500: Google Ads > Meta > Email (Conversion):
The visitor is new to Google Ads and visits the site in depth (10 pages viewed, including 5 product sheets, 2 additions to basket).
Returns 2 days later via a Meta ad, but leaves immediately (bounce)
He converts a few hours later via a promotional e-mail, taking back his already-formed basket.
In this example, the Google Ads visit is highly engaging compared to the other two, and it's likely that the customer has almost made up his mind by now. The Meta visit is anecdotal, and the email visit validates a choice already made (basket taken from the Google Ads session).
The Data-Driven Adloop model will propose a breakdown of contributions:
Google Ads 75% (€375 revenue) > Meta 1% (€5 revenue) > Email 24% (€120 revenue).


Can I compare attribution models?

Yes, each attributed metric is linked to a model and available in the metric selector. You can select as many attributed metrics as you like in a report to compare them with each other.

For example, you can compare the number of Conversions of the Last Click model vs. the Data Driven model of Adloop.
Or even display at the same time for your Search campaigns: the Revenue reported by Google Ads, the one indicated by Google Analytics and the one calculated by Adloop's Data-driven model.


Do you measure the contribution of each level?

Yes, all models calculate the contribution of each touchpoint (with the exception of the First Click or Last Click models, which attribute 100% of the conversion to one or the other).


Is the attribution also done at campaign level? or in terms of granularity?

Adloop collects information at the most granular level (keyword, creative, affiliate, etc.), so you have access to the entire campaign hierarchy present in the advertising platform: channel, campaign, ad group, keyword/creative/affiliate, etc.


Can I see conversion paths?

Yes, you can in the tool via two reports:
Transaction ID, which details the path of every transaction that has taken place on the site, with extensive information on each touchpoint (time, device, ad, contribution).
Path explorer, which shows you the most frequent conversion paths, at both channel and campaign level.


Where can I see the contribution of my channels?

This information is available in several of our reports, but the best way to analyze it is by using our table report using Data-Driven conversions and revenue metrics.


Do you offer a different traffic metric from advertising platforms?

Yes, we measure clicks arriving on your site, which differs from clicks measured by platforms (false clicks, users leaving the page directly, etc.) and Analytics sessions. Arrived clicks give you a finer, more transparent measure of traffic to your site.


Do you measure engagement in addition to conversions?

Yes, we offer a measure of engagement independent of conversions: useful clicks. These are defined directly by the user, using micro-conversions tracked on the site; by default, we offer two page views, including one product page. This enables us to measure the proportion of traffic that generates user engagement, which we believe is just as important a performance indicator as profitability.

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