October 2019

Version 3.1.4 – 16/10/2019

Addition of a new partner, Rakuten Affiliation

Rakuten Affiliation API, an affiliate marketing platform for advertisers has been configured to collect automaticaly all costs and classifications (id affiliate, name affiliate, affiliate type).



Version 3.1.2 – 03/10/2019

New titles for SEO and Direct channels

SEO and Direct channels have new titles for a better undertanding and avoid any confusion :

- SEO Notoriety => SEO unassisted by paid (chains that only include SEO)

- Direct notoriety => Direct unassisted by paid (chains that only include direct)

- SEO combined => SEO assisted by paid (chains that include SEO and a paid channel like SEA, Display etc.)

- Direct combined => Direct assisted by paid (chains that include SEO and a paid channel like SEA, Display etc.)