I - Start your Adloop discovery!

I - Start your Adloop discovery!

What is Adloop?

Adloop is a data marketing hub and, at the same time, a set of features designed to make digital marketing professionals' lives easier.


Adloop Iverview

It all starts with data

Adloop does not collect data itselft, but we are retrieving data from external sources such as :

  • Your Ad Platforms, that provide data generally called Ad-Centric : impressions, clicks, ad spends, ad name, campaign type etc..

  • Your Analytics tool feed Adloop with behavioural data on your websites and your apps (Site-Centric data) : pageviews, add to cart, account creation, purchase, sources of traffic etc.

  • Your CRM or transactionnal apps, used for identifying clients or prospects, communicating with them, knowing what they bought etc. This is User-Centric data.

  1. The Data Source Adloop Tracking & Attribution will collect data that are specific to Adloop. It must be activated in order to enjoy the Attribution and Recommendations features.

All those data are sent to Adloop thanks to API data connections without any manual intervention.

To connect a Data Source to Adloop, go to the Data Sources menu!

Introducing Adloop

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