Step by step report creation

Step by step report creation

Adloop reporting tool is very powerful: you can combine any data type from multiples Sources, filter them, order them etc.

All reports use at least one of the following four elements:

  • dimensions

  • metrics

  • period

  • “go” button


Step 1: Choose Dimensions

You can, using the Dimensions Pickers, choose the Dimensions from Data Sources you added.

Dimensions can be used either as the base of your report or as filters.

Want to know more about Dimensions? The Dimensions in Adloop

Detailled presentation of the Dimensions Picker

Step 2: Select Metrics

You can, using the Metrics Piker, choose the Metrics from Data Sources you added.



Want to know more about Metrics? The Metrics in Adloop

Detailled presentation of the Metrics Picker

Step 3: Pick a time period

Choose the period you want to analyze:


Step 4 : Validation

When steps 1, 2 and 3 are finished the “Go” button becomes clickable. Click on it and your report is ready.

Non clickable Go button

Clickable Go button

Non clickable Go button

Clickable Go button



If you want a complete presentation of the reports items, you can watch:


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