Saved reports

Saved reports

The saved reports page show the reports you saved as well as the ones shared by your teammates.

Reports are identified by their name, hence paying attention to their naming!

1 - Create a new Report

To create a new Report, simply click on +Add and the Templates screen will appear

2 - Reports Templates

You can start an Empty Report but also use the Reports Templates offered by Adloop, in order to open an already constructed report with Dimensions and Metrics that you can use for your specific needs.

Reports Templates were created for specific objectives on marketing channels (SEA, Social etc.) but also to make Google Data Studio exports.

3 - Screen items





Personal report (not share, can only be seen by you)

Report you created and shared to others

Report shared by another user

Favorite report, will appear at the top of the saved reports list

Open the report in a new tab

Delete the report


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