Analytics data-sources

Analytics data-sources

Analytics data-sources differ from typical advertising data-sources: since your Analytics data-sources use a lot of custom setups (dimensions, events…), those have to be manually selected or entered when setting up your Analytics source.

If you plan on using Adloop Tracking & Attribution

Events, goals & metrics from your Analytics data-source are mandatory for a successful Adloop Tracking & Attribution set-up!

Google Analytics 4

In the first step, some dimensions are selected by default:

  • source

  • medium

  • campaign

  • account name

  • content

You can choose to select 3 additional other dimensions.



We import default metrics:

  • sessions

  • engaged sessions

  • pageviews

  • new users

  • bounces

  • bounce rate


You have to choose your structuring metrics: revenue & conversions.

Those metrics will be use to calculate KPI like conversion rate, CPA, ROAS etc.

If you plan on using the Adloop Tracking & Attribution data-source, those structuring metrics are the ones we will calculate attribution for.

You can choose in the drop-down menu the conversion event you want to use.



In this example, the revenue will be the Value of the purchase event and the conversions will be the Count of the purchase events. You can also choose different events for your revenue and your conversion if that’s how your set-up is done.

You can select additional conversion metrics to include by ticking the boxes as well as other metrics:


For the events section, you have to indicate your events the way they are set-up in GA4 in the “Name in GA4” filed. Be careful with upper/lower cases as well as with spaces.

The “name in Adloop” can be identical or different.


By ticking the “condition by event parameter” you can add a custom event by conditioning any GA4 event with one or more parameters (dimensions) of your choice.

The dimensions you use to condition event are counting in the 3 dimensions limit mentioned previously!

Indicate the dimension and the value of that dimension (also case & space sensitive) with which you want to condition that event.


This event will be the “purchase” for which the “customer_category” is equal to “customer_new”

Piano Analytics

In the first step, some dimensions are selected by default:

  • source

  • medium

  • campaign

  • keyword

You can choose to select additional other dimensions.


We import default metrics:

  • visits

  • bounces

  • bounce rate

  • visitors

  • pageviews

You have to choose your structuring metrics: revenue & conversions.

Those metrics will be use to calculate KPI like conversion rate, CPA, ROAS etc.

Indicate there the technical name of those metrics from Piano (you can find those names in the Data Explorer)


You can select others metrics to include by ticking the boxes:


Then, you can add, metrics, goals and/or events by entering their names:


For all three, you have to indicate the name the way they are set-up in Piano in the “Name in Piano” filed. Be careful with upper/lower cases as well as with spaces.

The “name in Adloop” can be identical or different.

For events, by ticking the “condition by event parameter” you can add a custom event by conditioning any Piano event with one or more parameters (dimensions) of your choice.



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