Data Sources (Workflow)

Data Sources (Workflow)

Adloop imports data stocked in outside apps thanks to our Data Sources.

The Ad Sources are Data Sources connected to Ad platforms.

Add a Data Source

Adding a Data Source, nothing simpler! In the Data Source page, you just have to click on the button, a popin with the available connections appears.



You can search the connection by its name.

A small label appears on some Data Sources:

New connection

Super fresh, it has been there less than a month!

In progress

It will come rather soon. If you think it is taking too long, write to support@adloop.co to speed it up!


Our state-of-the-art connections, you need a Premium subscription to use it.

Connection types

Before connection a Data Source, you must have a access rights.

Each Data Source uses a specific connection mode, but there are 3 main types:

Connection type


Connection type



Delegation connection system. Adloop inherits reading authorisation for data.

Token API

You will have to enter an API key you got from the ad platform itself or through your account manager.

Login / Password

Simply login and password for an Adloop user you will have created in the ad platform.

Dimensions and Metrics choice

Once the connection is effective, you have to choose the Dimensions and the Metrics we have to get from the Data Source.

The default Dimensions or the default Metrics will be imported no matter what, because they are main elements of our reports. It is not possible to delete them.

The Other dimensions and the Other metrics can be selected if you need them.

If you don’t find a Dimension or a Metric, ask the Adloop Support!

Imported period and import frequency

Adloop imports a year of data when a Data Source is added.

Once added, data are updated every 3 hours or 8 times a day.

Depending on the Data Sources and the API quotas, importing a year of data can take between 2 and 72 hours. Sometimes, you have to be patient!

Data Quality

See our page dedicated to Data Quality.

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