Step 4 - Behavioural model configuration

Step 4 - Behavioural model configuration

The commitment events

Adloop data-driven attribution model is based on users' behaviour. We use all the micro-conversions available in your Analytics source, like key pageviews (product or category), click on a CTA, add to basket and so on.

The more micro-conversions you are tracking, the more detailled our data-driven model will be! So don’t hesitate to track new actions on your website.

Then, for each micro-conversion, you have to indicate to Adloop how engaging this action is on the path to conversion. For that, we use commitment levels, from very low to very high.

By default we scale:

  • the pageview as very low commitment, as viewing a page is the most basic action you can do on a website

  • the new users as very high commitment, as it gives value to the upper-funnel channels bringing in new users

Some examples of scaling that could help you when setting up the data-driven attribution model:

  • view of a product page: low commitment

  • view of a category page: low commitment

  • displaying the details of a product: medium commitment

  • add to wishlist: high commitment

  • add to basket: very high commitment

  • subscribe to newsletter: very high commitment

  • store locator: medium commitment

  • demo booking: very high commitment

Those are just few examples, as every website is different, you are the best to judge how engaging the actions on your website are.

Don’t include here the different steps of the conversion funnel: delivery choice, delivery address, contact information, payment choice.

The more a user interacts with the website on a touchpoint, the more credit this touchpoint will get when calculating the attribution and contribution. This touchpoint will get a bigger fraction of the conversion and of the revenue.

Conversion funnel events

In this step, you can chose to add the steps of your conversion funnel: delivery choice, delivery address, contact information, payment choice.

Be aware that including those in the attribution model will affect the attribution calculation: it tends to favour bottom of funnel channels. If you don’t want to favour those, don’t include any steps of your conversion funnel in this step. The data-driven model will work just fine!

Useful click

You decide what makes a click useful to your business. Is a click useful only if the user sees more than 2 pageviews? Or if he sees a product page?

When setting up the Adloop Tracking & Attribution data source, you will have to choose the useful click definition, using goals & events from your Analytics data source. You can combine several goals & events if you want, using logical connectors β€œor” & β€œand”.

Here for example, a click will be considered useful if:

  • there is at least 2 pageviews, or

  • at least one product search, or

  • at least one product view


If you don’t have any ideas, here are some useful clicks definition used by our clients:

  • At least 2 pageviews + at least one product page view

  • At least 2 pageviews + at least 15s session

  • At least 2 pageviews + an add to cart

Of course, the more restrictive your definition, the less useful click you’ll have.

It is possible to edit the useful click, just ask your Consultant to regenerate the data afterwards. Otherwise the changes won’t be applied to the past data.

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