Smart Alerts Breakdown
The Smart Alerts Breakdown goal is to provide you with more granular and more specific data compared to the generic Smart Alerts.
The generic Smart Alerts take into account the whole data of your Adloop site for paid channels - it is not possible to separate the data within a source or to filter the data (except if you have several accounts for the same data-source).
If you want to read more about the Smart Alerts, please visit our pages dedicated to the Smart Alert - Budget, Smart Alert - Recap and Smart Alert - Channel Insight.
The new Breakdown function allows you to segment and filter any Smart Alert, whether it is Budget, Recap or Channel Insight.
Generic explanation & use-cases
Instead of receiving one global alert for your dataset, you can use one or several dimension to breakdown your alert. You wonβt receive one single alert anymore, but x alerts depending on the chosen breakdown.
You have two types of campaigns on your account: B2C and B2B. You created a conditional dimension βType of campaignβ with the following values βB2Cβ and βB2Bβ.
You can now breakdown your Smart Alert - Recap using the dimension βType of campaignβ and youβll receive two alerts : the first will be the Recap filtered on the βB2Cβ value and the second will be filtered on the βB2Bβ value. Youβll then be able to analyze your performances better for those two types of campaigns that donβt have the same objectives.
Please note that the breakdown you choose will affect the number of alerts created.
It is possible to apply filters on your Smart Alerts, using any dimension from your dataset. It can use the same dimension as the one used for the breakdown or a different one.
Use-case 1
You are the traffic manager of the B2C part of the business. You have no interest in receiving the performances for the B2B campaigns.
After choosing the breakdown βType of campaignβ in the breakdown step, in the filter step, youβll choose Type of campaign = B2C. Youβll only receive the Smart Alerts based on the B2C campaigns.
Use-case 2
Youβre the performance traffic manager, both in charge of B2B and B2C campaigns, but only on the performance channels (Shopping, Search, Affiliation). You are not in charge of Social and Display.
After choosing the breakdown βType of campaignβ in the breakdown step, in the filter step, youβll choose Type of Channels = Shopping + Search + Affiliation. Youβll receive the Smart Alerts for both B2C and B2B campaigns, but only including Shopping, Search and Affiliation channels.
You can also use a filter on your Smart Alert without using a breakdown!
How to parameter them in Adloop?
Go to Smart Data > Breakdown Smart Alerts
Click on Add to create your first Breakdown Smart Alert
First, choose the type of Smart Alert you want to create :
Budget, to monitor budget changes on your paid channels
Recap (Weekly + Monthly), to receive an overview of your performances
Channel Insights, to get precise and actionable insights for your paid channels
Name your alert, we advise you to give it a clear name. For instance, specify the breakdowns and filters you want to include in that alert, as it will help you manage your alerts later on!
For Budget & Channel Insights, choose the channel you want to receive the Smart Alert for.
Choose the sensitivity of the Smart Alert
Choose the period to compare your data to, you want choose between previous period or previous year. Note that attributed data might be unavailable for previous year.
Choose the source of the data used, for Recap & Channel Insights, between platform data and attributed data. If you choose both, youβll receive 2 Smart Alerts.
We recommend to use Adloop Attributed data in your alert, as this data will gave you the most interesting insights, using our behavioural attribution model.
This step is optional.
Choose here to apply any filter you want to your alert. You can choose normalized, source or conditional dimensions.
Examples :
Specific market(s)
Specific type of campaign
In this example, Smart Alerts will be sent only if the Market is UK or France.
Choose the dimension you want to use for the Breakdown. Youβll receive as many alerts as there are values for this specific dimension, so if you want to limit them, specify the desired values in the previous step Filters.
You can combine two breakdowns if you want to.
The system will show you how many alerts will be triggered with your current setup.
Choose the recipients for this alerts. You can add users from the space, email addresses or integrations with Slack / Microsoft Teams / Google.
The integrations have to be handled in the dedicated sub-menu.
You can add a recipient by hovering over the name and clicking on the add icon:
You can remove a recipient by hovering over their name and clicking on the delete icon:
Click on save and your Breakdown Smart Alert is created!
Breakdown Smart Alerts management page
Once you have created Breakdown Smart Alerts, they will appear in a list form.
The type column indicates which Smart Alert you created: Budget, Recap or Channel Insights.
The status indicate if there is any error with your Alert.
You can directly subscribe or unsubscribe from a Breakdown Smart Alert by clicking in the recipient column.
You can open the management menu by clicking on the right-hand icon :
Youβll be able to edit the recipient, to test the notification, to open the setup menu or to delete the alert.