Make sure the Container ID is listed under the Build-In Variables
Go to the "Variables" section
According to the custom dimensions created earlier, create "User defined variables" following this scheme:
First one:
Type of variable: Data layer variable
Name of the data layer variable name : adloop_click_1
Give the variable an Adloop related name
Second one:
Type of variable: Data layer variable
Name of the data layer variable: adloop_click_1_meta
Give the variable an Adloop related name
Open the configuration of the GA4 Configuration tag (type: Google Tag)
In "Fields to Setâ, click on "Add Row"
Fill in the following information:
Field Name: adloop_click_1
Value: Use the brick to choose the previously created variable (the 1st one)
Add another filed: adloop_click_1_meta
Value: Use the brick to choose the previously created variable (the 2nd one)
Go to the "Tags" section and add a new tag of type "Custom HTML", with the name "Adloop tag"
Copy and paste the content provided on the Adloop interface into the "HTML" field of the tag
Save the tag without trigger
Open the GA4 Configuration tag (type: Google Tag) that was opened in a previous step
In the advanced settings of this tag, in "Tag sequencing", check "Trigger a tag before this tag is triggered" and choose the "Adloop tag" previously created
For your GA4 events (purchase, add to cart, view item etc.) set-up on GTM, add the Adloop event parameters & values :
adloop_click_1 and for the value select the first user defined variable you created previously using the brick button
adloop_click_1_meta and for the value select the second user defined variable you created previously using the brick button
Note: the name of the value between {{ }} depends on how you named your user defined variable ; it might be different from the screenshot above.