Active Campaign metrics & dimensions

Active Campaign metrics & dimensions

Metric name in Adloop

Metric name in Source


Metric name in Adloop

Metric name in Source




Number of unique contacts that clicked on any link in a campaign. This metric includes only one click per contact.

Open mails


Unique number of opens for that Campaign.

Hard bounces

Hard bounces

A hard bounce is an email that cannot be delivered because of a permanent issue.

Soft bounces

Soft bounces

A soft bounce is an email that cannot be delivered due to a temporary issue.

Email unsubscribes


Unsubscribe or 'opt-out' means that a contact has expressed their desire to be removed from an email list.

Total amount sent


The total number of campaigns sends. This includes campaigns created in the Campaigns section in your account that were sent to a list(s), as well as campaigns created within automations that were sent to at least one contact.



Total forwards of an email.

Link clicks

Total link clicks

Total number of clicks across all links in an email.

Total opens

Total opens/Reads

Total number of opens.

Total replies

Total replies

Total number of contact replies to your campaigns.

Dimension name in Adloop

Dimension name in Source


Dimension name in Adloop

Dimension name in Source


Campaign name

Campaign name

Name of the campaign


Campaign type

ActiveCampaign has created several Campaign types to simplify your marketing automation. Using Standard, Automated, Auto Responder, Split Testing, RSS Triggered, and Date Based campaigns offer a variety of specialized options.

Send date

Send date

Refers to the time period of when a campaign was last sent.

Campaign ID

Campaign ID

ID of the campaign

Analytics campaign name

Analytics campaign name

Analytics campaign name

Segment ID

Segment ID

ID of your segment

Send ID

Send ID

ID of the campaign sending



Source type


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