Snapchat Ads metrics & dimension

Snapchat Ads metrics & dimension

Metric name in Adloop

Metric name in Source


Metric name in Adloop

Metric name in Source


Ad spend

Amount spent

Spend based on delivery.

App installs

App Installs

Number of times your app was installed.



The total number of times a user has clicked on an ad in your app or website.


Conversion Purchases

The total number of purchases made in your app or website.

Conversions post click

Conversions post click

The total number of purchases made in your app or website (post-click).

Conversions post view

Conversions post view

The total number of purchases made in your app or website (post-view).


Total Impressions

The sum of paid impressions and earned impressions (paid impressions + earned impressions).


Conversion Purchases Value

The total value of purchases made in your app or website.

Revenue post click

Revenue post click

The total value of purchases made in your app or website (post-click).

Revenue post view

Revenue post view

The total value of purchases made in your app or website (post-view).


Camera Save

The total number of saves made in your app or website


Camera Shares

The total number of times a Snapchatter has shared in your app or website

Videos completed

Video completions

Number of times your Top Snap was viewed to 97%.

Videos started

Total video views

The total number of impressions that meet the qualifying video view criteria of at least 2 seconds of consecutive watch time or a swipe up action on the Top Snap.


Total Reach

The number of unique Snapchatters who viewed your ad, either by receiving a paid or earned impression.

Attention! You may not see the same data between Adloop & Snapchat because Snapchat is counting the Reach per “unique Snapchatters” and they are not sending out this information.

Video view 25%

Video Plays at 25%

Number of times your Top Snap was viewed to 25%.

Video view 50%

Video Plays at 50%

Number of times your Top Snap was viewed to 50%.

Video view 75%

Video Plays at 75%

Number of times your Top Snap was viewed to 75%.

Dimension name in Adloop

Dimension name in Source


Dimension name in Adloop

Dimension name in Source


Account ID

Ad Account ID

Unique identifier for the ad account



Name of the ad

Adgroup ID

Ad set ID

Unique identifier for ad squad

Adgroup name

Ad set

Name of the ad set



Unique identifier for ad

Campaign ID

Campaign ID

Unique identifier for campaign

Campaign name

Campaign name

Name of the campaign

Campaign objective




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