Google Perf Max (Ads) metrics & dimensions
Metric name in Adloop | Source name in Adloop | Definition |
Ad Spend | Cost | Cost is the total of your spend during this period. |
Clicks | Clicks | When someone clicks your ad, it's counted here. Click: Definition |
Impression | Impr. | An impression is counted each time your ad is served on Google's ad networks, such as on, YouTube or other publisher websites and apps. Impressions help you understand how often your ad is being seen. |
Conversions | Conversions | "Conversions" shows the number of conversions you received after ad interactions (such as text ad clicks or video ad views). The conversion settings “Include in ‘Conversions’” and “Count” affect the number you see here. |
Revenue | Conv. value | Conversion value is the sum of conversion values for your conversions. This metric is useful only if you entered a value for your conversion actions. |
Store visits | Shop visits | Store visits is the number of visits to your physical shops after ad interactions, such as text ad clicks or video ad views. |
Custom Conversions | Custom Conversions | It is possible to add in addition to the “Conversions” metric your Custom Conversions set-up in the Google data-sources |
Dimension name in Adloop | Dimension name in Source | Definition |
Campaign name | Campaign | The name of the campaign. |
Product ID | Ad groups | The unique identifier of a product |
Campaign ID | Campaign ID | The unique identifier of a campaign. |
Product brand | Product brand | The brand of the product |
Product title | Product title | The title of the advertised product |
Product merchant ID | Product merchant ID |
Product store ID | Product store ID |